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01.11.2014 21:44:43

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01.11.2014 21:44:30

Accountant supermarket manager reserch paper I’d say about the way everybody takes that type of criticism. Well enough, I guess. But it’s very important and it’s hard to do and it is our job as active investors to tell entrepreneurs the truth. You have to do it in a way that is helpful without seeming overly critical. It’s great having kids. Having kids have made me a much better investor because I’ve learned from my kids how to be constructively critical. They need to know that you love them and that no matter what they do you’re going to be there for them and that you support them but by the way, they’re screwing up in math and they’ve got to fix that. When there’s no question about all those things that I started with they’re more open to hear that criticism. But if you’re just beating them up all the time and they’re not getting that reassurance it’s not productive. It’s the same thing with entrepreneurs; they need to know that you’re there for them and you’re giving them this feedback because you want them to be successful not because you want to throw them out of their company.