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06.11.2014 21:44:44

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06.11.2014 21:43:53

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06.11.2014 21:43:52

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06.11.2014 21:42:48

Whereabouts are you from? how long does tramadol withdrawal insomnia last If you’re at university you can avoid military service (or take part in tame drills at the faculty instead): there is no greater incentive for young men to explore the world of higher education. And if you’re not good enough to make it to college? Then you must bribe your way into an institution: there are dozens of new universities which have opened to service draft-avoiders. For poorer people, it’s a matter of hide and seek. During the spring and autumn drafts soldiers will grab anyone off the street who looks the right age, demand to see their documents and their letters of exemption, and if they don’t have them, march them off to the local recruitment centre. So the young devote their energy to staying clear of metro stations, or hiding behind columns and darting past when they spot a cop flirting with girls or scrounging cigarettes off passers-by. You often see teenagers sprinting through the long, dark, marble corridors of the underground with figures in blue giving chase (they could of course be looking for drugs). When soldiers come by apartment blocks potential conscripts barricade themselves behind the door, holding their breath until the visitors go away. But by now they are in trouble: every time their documents are checked by the police, they tremble; every time they go into the underground, every time they cross a main road, or meet friends near a cinema, or even leave their little yard, they will be in a state of high anxiety. As a draft-dodger, you live semi-legally until you are 27.


06.11.2014 21:38:22

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06.11.2014 21:38:04

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06.11.2014 21:37:52

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06.11.2014 21:32:12

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06.11.2014 21:32:02

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06.11.2014 21:15:08

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06.11.2014 21:14:46

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06.11.2014 21:14:21

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