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04.07.2015 10:36:08

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04.07.2015 10:36:02

Which university are you at? what is grifulvin v micr used for The most recent ATF crime gun trace data for New York City show that 2,186 — or 90% — of 2,433 traceable guns used in crimes in the five boroughs came from out of state, up from 85% in 2009. This, even as the number of shootings in New York City has declined approximately 30% in both incidents and victims so far this year, and the proportion of young people carrying guns here hit an all-time low. Simply put, fewer New Yorkers are being shot and fewer teens are walking around armed, but when guns do surface, the firearms originated out of state. Yet there is no clear and effective statute that makes gun trafficking a federal crime.


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04.07.2015 10:35:56

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