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07.04.2015 21:41:13

Yes, I love it! lamotrigine 100 mg In sum, the Supreme Court has advanced same-sex marriage in a gradualist manner that basically tracks public opinion, which is also moving in that direction, the relative popularity of DOMA itself notwithstanding. With same-sex marriages now set to resume in California, about 30 percent of Americans live in states where SSM is legal. Gay marriage isn\'t a change that\'s coming in the future, depending on how battles in the courts and at the ballot box turn out. It\'s a fait accompli. The bigger question isn\'t whether more states will recognize same-sex marriage—let alone whether there\'s much possibility of rollback—but on what the terms of victory of the SSM side is going to be consolidated. Conservatives have a different battle to fight, psychologically as well as legally, to preserve religious liberty and ensure that this revolution already made doesn\'t enter a more radical phase. High-strung right-wingers who say, for example,that the country might as well embrace polygamy if it\'s going to have same-sex marriage are not doing themselves any favors. More seriously, this would be a good time for conservatives to take supporters of SSM at their word and insist on stronger cultural as well as legal affirmations of monogamy for everyone.


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