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16.07.2015 18:07:57

What do you do for a living? biaxin cost generic It was a clever juxtaposition to preface the Waldstein with Op 33, because the last of these Bagatelles features repeated left-hand thirds that anticipate the opening bars of this middle-period masterpiece. Osborne’s playing seemed smoother in the Waldstein, yet it was never lacking in drama. He laid out the musical argument of the first movement clearly, and found a calm sense of searching in the middle movement. The finale flowed radiantly until the massive chords intervened, and its great passages of C-major calm pointed towards the nirvana of Op 111.


16.07.2015 18:07:43

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16.07.2015 18:06:33

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16.07.2015 18:06:20

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16.07.2015 18:04:02

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16.07.2015 17:49:22

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16.07.2015 17:49:15

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16.07.2015 17:48:52

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